Random Drawing


Print out the prompts below.  (If you don’t have a printer then write them out).  Cut out the prompts.  Put then in a bowl.  Then pick them randomly to create a drawing.  You can choose as many as you like.  Let the drawing tell you when it is finished.

Random drawing prompts (printable pdf)

“You must set about it more slowly, almost stupidly, force yourself to write down what is of no interest, what is most obvious, most common, most colorless.”  

-Georges Perec

Disegno casuale

Stampa le istruzioni sotto. (Se non hai una stampante, scrivile). Ritagliale. Metti i foglietti in una ciotola. Pescali a caso per realizzare un disegno. Puoi sceglierne quanti desideri. Lascia che il disegno ti dica quando è finito.

Disegna (pdf)


"Devi iniziare a farlo più lentamente, quasi scioccamente, sforzarti di scrivere ciò che non è interessante, ciò che è più ovvio, più comune, più incolore."

-Georges Perec


Italian translation by/Traduzione italiana di Monica Guerra

Dessin aléatoire

Imprime les instructions ci-dessous (si tu n’as pas d’imprimante, recopie-les). Découpe les instructions, mets-les dans un bol, puis pioche-les au hasard pour réaliser un dessin. Tu peux en choisir autant que tu veux. Laisse le dessin te dire quand il est terminé.

Instructions Dessin aléatoire

« Il faut y aller plus doucement, presque bêtement. Se forcer à écrire ce qui n’a pas d’intérêt, ce qui est le plus évident, le plus commun, le plus terne. »

- Georges Perec

French translation by/Traduction française d’Oriana Weyer

Zeichnen nach dem Zufallsprinzip

Druck die Anleitungen unten aus. (Falls du keinen Drucker hast, dann schreib sie ab.) Schneid die Anleitungen aus. Wirf sie in eine Schüssel. Zieh dann blind welche, um eine Zeichnung nach dem Zufallsprinzip zu machen. Du kannst so viele ziehen, wie du magst. Die Zeichnung soll dir selbst verraten, wenn sie fertig ist.

Zeichnen nach dem Zufallsprinzip Anleitungen

„Man muss behutsamer vorgehen, fast naiv. Sich zwingen, das zu schreiben, was ohne Bedeutung ist, das, was das Selbstverständlichste, das Allgemeinste, das Glanzloseste ist.“
Georges Perec in Träume von Räumen

German translation by/Deutsche Übersetzung von Heike Bräutigam

Keri Smith

Keri Smith is a Canadian conceptual artist and author of several bestselling books and apps about creativity including Wreck This Journal (Penguin), This is Not a Book (Penguin), and How to be an Explorer of the World -the Portable Life/Art Museum.

Keri conducts workshops based on her books and formerly taught a class in conceptual illustration at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, in Vancouver Canada. The main focus of her work/research is on creating what the writer Umberto Eco called “Open works”, pieces that are completed by the reader/user.


Secret Identity


Museum of Very Small Things