Secret Identity


Create a new persona for yourself.  Write down a list of qualities for this character.   Come up with an outfit.  Dress as this character.  Photograph yourself.

Cindy Sherman

“Everyone thinks these are self-portraits but they aren’t meant to be. I just use myself as a model because I know I can push myself to extremes, make each shot as ugly or goofy or silly as possible.” 

– Cindy Sherman

Identità segreta

Creati una nuova identità. Scrivi un elenco di qualità per il tuo personaggio. Inventa un nuovo abbigliamento. Vestiti come questo personaggio. Fotografati.


Cindy Sherman 


"Tutti pensano che questi siano autoritratti, ma non sono fatti per esserlo. Utilizzo solo me stessa come modella perché so di potermi spingere al limite, di rendere ogni prova la più brutta, sciocca o ridicola possibile. "

- Cindy Sherman


Italian translation by/Traduzione italiana di Monica Guerra

Identité secrète

Crée-toi une nouvelle identité. Fais une liste des qualités de ton personnage. Trouve une tenue. Habille-toi comme ton personnage. Photographie-toi. 

Cindy Sherman

« Tout le monde pense qu’il s’agit d’autoportraits, mais ce n’est pas leur vocation. Je m’utilise simplement comme modèle parce que je sais que je peux me pousser à l’extrême et rendre chaque cliché aussi laid, dingue ou ridicule que possible. »

- Cindy Sherman

French translation by/Traduction française d’Oriana Weyer

Geheime Identität

Erschaffe eine neue Persönlichkeit für dich. Stelle eine Liste mit den Eigenschaften dieser Figur zusammen. Überlege dir, was sie anhat. Kleide dich wie diese Figur. Fotografiere dich. 


Cindy Sherman 

„Alle glauben, das wären Selbstporträts, aber das sollen sie gar nicht sein. Ich benutze mich nur als Model, weil ich weiß, dass ich mir alles abverlangen und dass ich jede Aufnahme so hässlich oder doof oder albern wie möglich machen kann.“

Cindy Sherman

Keri Smith

Keri Smith is a Canadian conceptual artist and author of several bestselling books and apps about creativity including Wreck This Journal (Penguin), This is Not a Book (Penguin), and How to be an Explorer of the World -the Portable Life/Art Museum.

Keri conducts workshops based on her books and formerly taught a class in conceptual illustration at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, in Vancouver Canada. The main focus of her work/research is on creating what the writer Umberto Eco called “Open works”, pieces that are completed by the reader/user.

The Powers of Observation


Random Drawing