Right in front of you


You do not need a perfect situation to make art.  Begin right where you are.

Make a detailed list and include every bit of what is right in front of you right now.

Medium options: draw, write, photograph, film


 Stan Brackhage made films out of things he had around him.

Corita Kent

Proprio di fronte a te

 Non hai bisogno di una situazione perfetta per fare arte. Inizia proprio dove sei.

 Fai un elenco dettagliato e includi ogni cosa che è di fronte a te in questo momento.

 Modi possibili: disegnare, scrivere, fotografare, filmare


Stan Brackhage: ha realizzato film con le cose che aveva intorno a sé.

Corita Kent

Italian translation by/Traduzione italiana di Monica Guerra

Juste devant toi

Pas besoin d'être dans une situation parfaite pour faire de l'art. Commence là où tu es.

Fais une liste détaillée de tout ce que tu as devant toi en ce moment.

Moyens d’expression possibles : dessin, écriture, photographie, film

Recherche :

Stan Brakhage a fait des films avec les choses qui l’entouraient.

Corita Kent

Traduit de française par Oriana Weyer

Justo frente tuyo (right in front of you)

No necesitas una situación perfecta para hacer arte. Empieza justo donde estás.

Haz una lista detallada e incluye cada cosa que está frente tuyo en este momento.

Posibles medios de expresión: dibujo, escrito, fotografía, vídeo 


Stan Brakhage hizo vídeos de las cosas que tenía a su alrededor

Corita Kent

Genau vor dir

Du brauchst kein perfektes Umfeld, um Kunst zu machen. Fang einfach genau da an, wo du gerade bist. Dokumentiere detailliert jede Kleinigkeit, die du im Moment vor dir siehst. 

Mögliche Verfahrensweisen: zeichnen, schreiben, fotografieren, filmen.


Stan Brackhage

Er machte Filme mit Gegenständen, die er um sich herum vorfand.

Corita Kent

Keri Smith

Keri Smith is a Canadian conceptual artist and author of several bestselling books and apps about creativity including Wreck This Journal (Penguin), This is Not a Book (Penguin), and How to be an Explorer of the World -the Portable Life/Art Museum.

Keri conducts workshops based on her books and formerly taught a class in conceptual illustration at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, in Vancouver Canada. The main focus of her work/research is on creating what the writer Umberto Eco called “Open works”, pieces that are completed by the reader/user.


Random Cutting Collage